Changing ZuoraCurrencyCode for a hotel
Changing ZuoraCurrencyCode for a hotel
If an account has been created with the wrong currency, there is only 2 ways to switch it to an other
Step 1: Remove account from Zuora or deactivate it
1 Ideal way
If no billing occured yet, delete the subscription and delete the account from Zuora to avoid future issues.
For that, connect to the Zuora extranet.
2 If there is any billing already done
(even 1 month free discount), you need to create maunally a new account on Zuora. For the AccountNumber, append "_new" at the end.
The old account can not be removed in that case. You should however be able to deactivate it
Step 2 : Set and reset v4 database values
Replace databaseGroup with the correct group.
UPDATE [:databaseGroup].dbo.Hotels SET ZuoraAccountId = NULL, ZuoraCurrencyCode = :newCurrency WHERE hotelId = ':hotelId' --In case you removed the previous account: UPDATE [v4].dbo.ContactInfos SET ZuoraContactId = NULL WHERE contactInfoId IN (SELECT contactInfoId FROM v4.dbo.contactInfosAffect WHERE obj_id = ':hotelId')
Step 3 : Go in the extranet
https://extranet.hotel-spider.ch/whitelabel/#/hotels/ , select the hotel and hit save