Moving a hotel from a Tenant A to a Tenant B

Even if this is never a good idea, it can happens that an account manager selected the wrong Tenant and we have to switch this account.

Switching a hotel to an other tenant will make the v4 unable to pick the old data for this account on the Tenant. If any invoice already happened they won't be visible.

Please note that once something has been billed for an account, you are unable to delete it from Zuora.


ID 1 Tourisoft SARL

ID 2 Tourisoft GMBH

Step 1: Remove account from wrong Tenant

If no billing occured yet, delete the subscription and delete the account from Zuora to avoid future issues.

For that, connect to the Zuora extranet.

Step 2 : Reset v4 database values

Replace databaseGroup with the correct group.

UPDATE [:databaseGroup].dbo.Hotels SET ZuoraAccountId = NULL, ZuoraInvoiceTemplateId = NULL, ZuoraTenantId = :newTenantId WHERE hotelId = ':hotelId'

UPDATE [v4].dbo.ContactInfos SET ZuoraContactId = NULL WHERE contactInfoId IN (SELECT contactInfoId FROM v4.dbo.contactInfosAffect WHERE obj_id = ':hotelId')

Step 3 : Go in the extranet , select the hotel and hit save

Step 4 : Don't forget to add an active subscription \!