Limiting affectation of BookingChannel per Zuora ProductRatePlan

By default, there is no limitation regarding which BookingChannel can be affected in an account as long as the subscription has the correct product type.

In case you need to limit the affectation of specific BookingChannels, there is a custom field called "bookingChannel_id__c" in ProductRatePlan.

This is particulary usefull if we would have a package channelmanager / pms or if we have specific prices for some PMS and would like to avoid subscription issues.

Values accepted are integers based on the bookingChannelId declared in the v4 database.

Example with HotelMeister (281):

If we want to have a specific rateplan that allows to only affect the HotelMeister PMS, we would put the value "281" in Zuora. For any other rateplans that would allow to affect any other PMS except HotelMeister, we would add the value "!281"

Note: do not include quotation marks ""

Those values can be an array separeted by commas.