Zuora Accounts Receivables for dummies

Zuora Accounts Receivables for dummies

Reconciliation files' location

  1. Open the excel file of the wanted year and month found in Hotel-Spider\Accounting and Finance - Documents\General

    1. For Tourisoft Sàrl head to: \”year”\”month” and there you will find an excel file “00. ‘month’ ‘year’

    2. For Hotel-Spider Germany head to: \Tourisoft Gmbh\ payments and select the excel file of the wanted year

Connecting to E-Banking and exporting CSV file

  1. Connect to the UBS E-Banking:

    1. UBS Switzerland: https://ebanking-ch1.ubs.com/

      1. CH890027927923399301Z (CHF)

      2. CH090027927923399361Y (EUR)

    2. UBS Germany: https://ebanking-de1.ubs.com/

      1. DE28502200851092480015 (EUR)

  2. Select the wanted account and go to the “transactions” page:

  3. Select the desired period:

    1. “Previsou day only”

    2. Set period manually (for multiple days)

      1. NOTE: Do not export same day transactions

  4. Click on the excel export button

  5. Download as CSV file and open it

Sort and extract Data

  1. Filter out the rows with “blank” values under the “credit column (column T)

  2. Copy the data

  3. Paste the data into the excel file (see Reconciliation files' location)

  4. Repeat steps for all bank accounts

Enter Payments into Zuora

  1. Connect to Zuora

    1. Tourisoft Sàrl: https://www.zuora.com/webapp

    2. Hotel-Spider Germany Gmbh: https://eu.zuora.com/webapp/

  2. There are multiple ways to find the accounts/invoices corresponding to the payments received:

    1. Invoice number (if available)

    2. Account Number (if available)

    3. Name of Client (if available)

    4. If none of the above are available , please try cross referencing in the“debiteurs” sheet located in the excel file

    5. As a last resort, try cross referencing the data in Zoho, Zendesk, Google, etc.

    6. If really no luck, await the return of Trevor 😊

IMPORTANT: A payment must ALWAYS be linked to an account in Zuora, whether there is an invoice or not! If you cannot find the account at all, please mark it in the excel sheet and contact Trevor

Reconciliate payment through the account number/ name:

You may find an account by searching the account number and/or name


Reconciliate payment through invoice number

You may also reconciliate a payment directly with an invoice number given the invoice number was referenced in the payment


Process the payment


  1. Payment date (column L)

  2. Payment Method: ALWAYS select Wire transfer

  3. Payment total: Check payment total

  4. Reference ID: Enter reference ID (column P)

  5. Comment: Enter Bank account number into “comment” (cell 1O)

  6. Invoice(s) associated to the Payment:

    1. Select the invoice(s) associated to the payment

    2. If there are no invoices, the payment will automatically go to the credit balance

  7. Click on “create payment”

  8. Mark the payment as processed in the excel sheet by selecting the corresponding category under “transaction category” in column V

  9. If there is a doubt and/ or issue, leave column V blank, highlight the transaction and leave a comment in column W

For any questions or unusual cases create a ticket at accounting@hotel-spider.com and Trevor will check it out once back!

Good Luck

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