Hotel-Spider public error codes
Hotel-Spider public error codes
Code | Description | Message | Scope |
OTA Server | |||
3001 | Version is missing or invalid | Version not implemented | OTA |
3002 | Version not implemented, missing php file | Version not implemented | OTA |
3003 | Service not implemented, missing php file | Service not implemented | OTA |
3004 | Root node is incorrectly formatted | OTA | |
3005 | Missing required attribute or node | OTA | |
3006 | The XML parser throw Exception | Invalid xml | OTA |
3007 | Invalid xml : node or attribute invalid | OTA | |
3008 | Hotel ID invalid | OTA | |
3009 | Node unknown or not used by the system. | OTA | |
3010 | Email not found ($Email), the system can delete or cancel it. | OTA | |
3011 | Operation unknown (value : $Operation) | OTA | |
3012 | Language not available | OTA | |
3013 | HotelBookingRuleNotifRQ | Unable to update booking rules (index : '.$BookingRuleIndex.') | OTA |
3014 | HotelBookingRuleNotifRQ | Unable to update booking channel booking rules ( index : , bookingChannelId : ) | OTA |
3015 | RatePlan unknown | OTA | |
3016 | SellableProduct unknown | OTA | |
3017 | Invalid StartDate && EndDate | OTA | |
3018 | HotelRatePlanNotifRQ | The system has not updated rates. | OTA |
3019 | Invalid duration comparing to StartDate/EndDate | OTA | |
3020 | There are too much data in the message. Changes will be processes asynchronously. | OTA | |
3021 | GuestRoom unknown / Invalid Guest Room | OTA | |
3022 | You can't set up available inventory for a derived guestroom | OTA | |
3023 | InvCode/InvTypeCode and RatePlanCode/RatePlanID attributes are required for setting rate | OTA | |
3024 | This hotel is in OccupancyBased mode. To update rates, please use OTA_HotelRateAmoutNotifRQ or OTA_HotelRatePlanNotifRQ. | ||
3025 | Too many HotelRefs defined in the request | ||
3026 | End date invalid. You can only set date upto 2 years in futur. System set end date = | ||
3027 | Start date invalid | ||
3028 | End date invalid | ||
3029 | We cannot guess RemoteReservationCode because there is no HotelReservationID node with ResID_Source attribute set to bookingChannelID. | Missing HotelReservationID for ResID_Source=%d | HotelRes |
3030 | There's a target mismatch between what is expected (Production in PROD and Test in STAGING) what has been received | Target mismatch: "$expected" expected and "$received" received | |
3031 | More than one HotelReservationID with the same ResID_Type value are present in the same HotelReservationIDs element. | Multiple HotelReservationID elements with the same ResID_Type values are present. Please use one HotelReservation for each distinct reservation. | NotifReport |
3032 | A cancellation notification has been made on the OTA_HotelResNotifRQ endpoint. The correct way to do it is to use either OTA_HotelResModifyNotifRQ or OTA_CancelRQ | Please use either OTA_HotelResModifyNotifRQ or OTA_CancelRQ messages for cancellations | |
3033 | @AgeQualifyingCode not supported (only 7, 8, 10) | @AgeQualifyingCode not supported (only 7, 8, 10) | |
3034 | ResID_Type=10 is missing in OTA_HotelResNotifReportRQ request | ResID_Type=10 is required | |
3035 | ResID_Type=40 is missing in OTA_HotelResNotifReportRQ request | ResID_Type=40 is required | |
3036 | No reservation exists with the given ID | Unable to identify HotelReservation $hotelReservationId | |
3037 | Missing reservation ID | ResID_Source=BOOKING.COM is required | |
3038 | Missing reservation ID | ResID_Source=RT is required | |
3039 | Reservation status not supported for OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | ResStatus value "$value" not supported | |
3040 | Reservation status not supported for OTA_HotelResModifyNotifRQ | ResStatus value "$value" not supported | |
3041 | HotelResModifyRQ: Cannot find the reservation | Unknown reservation ID "$id" | |
3042 | HotelResModifyRQ: More than one reservation found with the given ID | Duplicate reservation with ID "$id" | |
3043 | Booking rules: value too low for us | The value $val was forced to $newVal for parameter $param | |
3044 | Booking rules: value too high for us | The value $val was capped to $newVal for parameter $param | |
3045 | Too many GuestCounts in HotelAvail request | This version of the API does not support multiple GuestCount elements | |
3046 | An OTA_HotelResModifyNotifRQ message contains no HotelResModify element. | 'No HotelResModify element is present' | |
3047 | Invalid sellable product or invalid rate (for example the hotel use AmountBeforeTax and we receive AmountBeforeTax) | Invalid sellable product (".$sellableProductId.") or invalid rate. | |
3048 | Two RoomStays in a unique Reservation have the same IndexNumber attribute value | Duplicate IndexNumber value: xxx | |
3049 | Invalid reservation ID given in OTA_ReadRQ (pb with authorization) | Invalid ID (xxxxx) | |
3050 | Invalid reservation ID given in OTA_ReadRQ (the reservation does not exist) | Invalid ID (xxxxx) | |
3051 | HotelResNotif - Warning - No hotel code defined in the RoomStay element | No HotelCode defined | |
3052 | HotelResNotif - Warning - Multiple hotel codes defined in the different RoomStays of a reservation | Multiple HotelCodes defined | |
3053 | HotelResNotif - Error - Cannot import any given reservations | Cannot import reservation(s) | |
3054 | HotelResNotif - Error - Cannot import reservation with a credit card number inside as the channel is not PCI | Cannot accept reservations containing credit card information ($bookingChannelId) | |
3055 | HotelResModifyNotif - Error - Cannot import reservation with a credit card number inside as the channel is not PCI | Cannot accept reservations containing credit card information ($bookingChannelId) | |
3056 | HotelResNotif - Error - Unknown booking channel | Unknown booking channel ($bookingChannelId) | |
3057 | HotelResModifyNotif - Error - Unknown booking channel | Unknown booking channel ($bookingChannelId) | |
3058 | HotelResNotif - Error - No RoomStay are defined | No RoomStay defined, at least one RoomStay is needed | |
3059 | Warning Invoices open for more than 30 days | Invoice %InvoiceNumber% has an open balance of %Amount% %CurrencyCode% from more than %NumberOfDays% days. | |
3060 | Error open invoices for more than 60 days | Invoice %InvoiceNumber% has an open balance of %Amount% %CurrencyCode% from more than %NumberOfDays% days. | |
3061 | Invalid rate: AmountBeforeTax received but AmountAfterTax expected | Invalid rate: AmountBeforeTax received but AmountAfterTax expected | |
3062 | Invalid rate: AmountAfterTax received but AmountBeforeTax expected | Invalid rate: AmountAfterTax received but AmountBeforeTax expected | |
3063 | Too much unprocessed data. | There are still %N% modifications pending. No further updates are accepted until the pending updates have been processed | |
3064 | Wrong URL domain used | The URL used to perform OTA request is not correct for this hotel ($hotelId) | |
Booking channels | |||
4000 | Error due to specific booking channel behavior | ||
4001 | No rates in database | No rates in database | Booking channel |
4002 | No mapping found | No mapping found | Booking channel |
4003 | Invalid object | Invalid object | Booking channel |
4004 | No inventories in database | No inventories in database | Booking channel |
4005 | No booking rules in database | No booking rules in database | Booking channel |
4006 | Transmit error | Transmit error | |
4007 | The booking channel returned error after transmission | Booking channel error | |
4008 | Booking channel unknown | Booking channel unknown | |
4009 | Default mapping in reservation | OTA/Booking channel | |
4010 | Broker, unknown channel | unknown channel | Booking channel |
4011 | Broker, Channel is not open | Channel is not open | Booking channel |
4012 | Broker, Invalid database path for Broker | Invalid database path for Broker | Booking channel |
4013 | The booking channel object cannot be instanciated (in BookingChannel controller constructor) | Error : booking channel unknown | |
4014 | The booking channel object cannot be instanciated (in Event class constructor) | Error : booking channel unknown | |
4015 | The booking channel object cannot be instanciated (in Message class constructor) | Error : booking channel unknown | |
4016 | The booking channel object has been mounted, but the Class file was not found | Unknown Booking Channel | OTA |
CRS | |||
5001 | The ResGlobalInfo/HotelReservationIDs is empty or not present | Missing HotelReservationIDs information | OTA / CRS |
5002 | No HotelReservationID with a type of 14 was given | Missing channel HotelReservationID (ResID_Type = 14) | OTA / CRS |
5003 | No HotelReservationID with a type of 34 was given (enforced only for cancellations or modifications) | Missing CRS HotelReservationID (ResID_Type = 34) | OTA / CRS |
5004 | The ResID_SourceContext value given for the ID of type 34 is not a known Whitelabel's ProductName | Bad CRS HotelReservationID ResID_SourceContext value | OTA / CRS |
5005 | Multiple HotelCodes have been specified in the same AvailRequestSegment | Only one HotelCode is allowed | OTA / CRS |
5006 | The hotel account status is not "Open" | The hotel status does not permit this operation | OTA / CRS |
5007 | The ResStatus value is not in this list: 'Book', 'Modify', 'Cancel', 'Initiate', 'Rollback', 'Commit' | ResStatus value "..." not supported | OTA / CRS |
5008 | Invalid StartDate supplied to HotelRes::searchHotelReservations | StartDate invalid | OTA / CRS |
5009 | Invalid EndDate supplied to HotelRes::searchHotelReservations | EndDate invalid | OTA / CRS |
5010 | Invalid StartDate/EndDate combination supplied to HotelRes::searchHotelReservations | StartDate is higher than EndDate | OTA / CRS |
5011 | No RoomStay supplied to OTA_HotelResRQ | No RoomStay defined | OTA / CRS |
5012 | Duplicate service RPH | Duplicated service RPH: %d | OTA / CRS |
5013 | The hotel is not open | The hotel status does not permit this operation | OTA / CRS |
5014 | The rates cannot be validated against what we have in the DB | Cannot validate given rates | OTA / CRS |
5015 | For the moment we enforce one RoomRate per RoomStay | Multiple RoomRates per RoomStay are not supported | OTA / CRS |
5016 | For the moment we support only one room per RoomRate | A NumberOfUnits value greater than 1 is not supported | OTA / CRS |
5017 | Rate validation error | Given rates are not valid (rate found with a different price) | OTA / CRS |
5018 | Rate validation error | Invalid currency code | OTA / CRS |
5019 | Rate validation error | Given rates are not valid (no equivalent rate found) | OTA / CRS |
5020 | The sellable product with the given room and given rateplan does not exist | No sellable product associated to this rateplan ID and room ID | OTA / CRS |
5021 | Zero or multiple cancellation penalties are given | Cannot validate Cancellation Penalties | OTA / CRS |
5022 | Cancellation policy cannot be retrieved from the DB | Cannot find Cancellation Penalties | OTA / CRS |
5023 | Cancellation policy mismatch | Cannot validate Cancellation Penalty | OTA / CRS |
5024 | RoomStay total rate value mismatch | Invalid total for roomstay, expected %d, recieved %d | OTA / CRS |
5025 | No more availability | Requested rates are not available anymore | OTA / CRS |
5026 | Reservation total rate value mismatch | Invalid total for reservation, found %d, given %d | OTA / CRS |
5027 | Differences detected in cancel penalties texts | Differences have been detected for a cancel penalty description | OTA / CRS |
5028 | The given roomID is not an internal ID and is not mapped to an internal ID | Invalid RoomID $roomId | OTA |
5029 | The given ratePlanID is not an internal ID and is not mapped to an internal ID | Invalid RatePlanID $ratePlanId | OTA |
5030 | The given dates for the RoomStay are not valid | Invalid dates for RoomStay. Start:2017-02-22 - End:2017-02-20 | OTA |
5031 | The given dates for the whole reservation are not valid | Invalid dates for Reservation. Start:2017-02-22 - End:2017-02-20 | OTA |
5032 | The incoming request cannot be linked to a booking channel | Cannot identify booking channel, using default one | OTA / CRS |
5033 | No sellable product is viewable by the current booking channel | No viewable sellable product (BC ID: $bookingChannelID) | OTA / CRS |
5034 | Invalid timespan given for HotelAvail request | Invalid dates for availability request: Start:yyyy-mm-dd End: yyyy-mm-dd | OTA / CRS |
5035 | Invalid number of guests supplied to HotelRes | Invalid number of guests: $nbGuests | OTA / CRS |
5036 | Invalid dates given for HotelRes | Invalid dates: Start:yyyy-mm-dd End: yyyy-mm-dd | OTA / CRS |
5037 | All hotels passed to the uspHotelAvail stored procedure are closed on the given dates | No results for hotel group (00F####, 00F####), all hotels may be closed | OTA / CRS |
5038 | The given age is not in the same bucket for all hotels, only the hotels with the same value as the first one will be searched | Hotel '$hotelId' ignored: age $age doesn't have the same meaning for this hotel | OTA / CRS |
5039 | The HotelAvail transaction is already in cache but the search criteria are different this time | The transaction '$transacId' is already associated with other criteria | OTA / CRS |
5040 | The type of guarantee defined for the rateplan used in a reservation is not supported in the CRS yet | GuaranteeType '$GuaranteeType' defined for RatePlan '$ratePlanName' ($ratePlanId) is not supported | OTA / CRS |
5041 | The type of guarantee defined for at least one rateplan used in a reservation is not supported in the CRS yet | GuaranteeType '$guaranteeNeeded' defined for at least one RatePlan is not supported | OTA / CRS |
5042 | At least one guarantee type defined for a rate plan used in the reservation is missing | Guarantee requirements for the booked rateplan(s) have not been met in this reservation | OTA / CRS |
5043 | The supplied booking channel ID is not linked to the authenticated user | Requestor ID 'XXX' is not authorized | OTA / CRS |
5044 | An internal error occured during cancellation penalty computation | Internal error: rates currency inconsistency | OTA / CRS |
5045 | An internal error occured during cancellation penalty computation | Internal error: unsupported cancellation amount calculation type | OTA / CRS |
5046 | An internal error occured during cancellation penalty computation | Internal error: unknown policy OffsetTimeUnit | OTA / CRS |
5047 | An internal error occured during cancellation penalty computation | Internal error: unsupported cancellation deadline type | OTA / CRS |
5048 | Access to hotels denied | You don't have access to $hotelId | CRS |
5049 | Internal error | Internal error | CRS |
5050 | Session expired | Session expired | CRS |
5051 | Missing parameters | Missing path/query parameters | CRS |
5052 | Missing payload | Missing payload | CRS |
5053 | Internal error with XML payload creation | Internal error | CRS |
5054 | Supplied bcId and apiKey are incompatible | Supplied bcId and apiKey are incompatible | CRS |
services | |||
5101 | The startdate/enddate couple given for the service is invalid | Invalid dates given for Service with ID %d and RPH %d | OTA / CRS |
5102 | The given value for NumberOfUnits is negative | NumberOfUnits for Service with ID %d and RPH %d needs to be positive | OTA / CRS |
5103 | Difference between request and database value: service inclusion | Inclusive for Service with ID %d and RPH %d is incorrect | OTA / CRS |
5104 | Missing base AmountAfterTax | Base AmountAfterTax for Service with ID %d and RPH %d is missing | OTA / CRS |
5105 | Missing total AmountAfterTax | Total AmountAfterTax for Service with ID %d and RPH %d is missing | OTA / CRS |
5106 | Invalid value for base AmountAfterTax | Base AmountAfterTax of the service is invalid | OTA / CRS |
5107 | Missing base CurrencyCode | Base CurrencyCode for Service with ID %d and RPH %d is missing | OTA / CRS |
5108 | Missing total CurrencyCode | Total CurrencyCode for Service with ID %d and RPH %d is missing | OTA / CRS |
5109 | Invalid value for total AmountAfterTax | Total AmountAfterTax for Service with ID %d and RPH %d is incorrect. Found : %d Expected :%d | OTA / CRS |
5110 | Invalid currency code | Invalid currency code | OTA / CRS |
5111 | Service unavailable | Service with ID %d is not available for the requested stay on the requested day | OTA / CRS |
5112 | Service unavailable | Service in RoomStay %d with RPH %d is not available for the requested stay | OTA / CRS |
5113 | Supplied ServiceRPH value is not defined | Service RPH not declared found : %d | OTA / CRS |
5114 | MealPlanIndicator does not match expected value | MealPlanIndicator does not match expected value | OTA / CRS |
5115 | Missing MealPlanCode | Missing MealPlanCode %mpCode% | OTA / CRS |
availabilities | |||
5501 | A parameter is missing in the availabilities request | Missing parameter: {{parameter name}} | rest / CRS |
5502 | The hotelId parameter is not valid | The hotelId parameter is not valid | rest / CRS |
5503 | The roomId parameter is not valid | The roomId parameter is not valid | rest / CRS |
5504 | The start parameter is not valid | The start parameter is not valid | rest / CRS |
5505 | The end parameter is not valid | The end parameter is not valid | rest / CRS |
5506 | The nbAdults parameter is not valid | The nbAdults parameter is not valid | rest / CRS |
5507 | The format parameter is not valid | The format parameter is not valid | rest / CRS |
reservations | |||
5601 | This reservation is already cancelled | This reservation is already cancelled | rest / CRS |
5602 | Reservation roomstays are missing | Bad reservation format: missing reservation roomStays | rest / CRS |
5603 | Credit card expiration date in the past | Credit card expiration date is in the past | rest / CRS |
5604 | Missing mandatory info for handling the payment payment | Missing mandatory information for processing payment | rest / CRS |
5605 | Unknown paymentSolutionProvider | Unknown paymentSolutionProvider | rest / CRS |
5606 | Bad reservation format | Bad reservation format: $errors | rest / CRS |
5607 | Internal error with OTA reservation formatting: Caching issue OR no assigned cancellation condition | Internal error with OTA reservation formatting | rest / CRS |
5608 | Cannot parse response | Error while sending reservation to backend | rest / CRS |
5609 | Missing reservationId and/or reservationEmail property in cancellation request | Bad cancellation request format | rest / CRS |
5610 | The given email address isn't correct | The given email address is not correct | rest / CRS |
5611 | Cannot find reservation | Cannot find reservation '$reservationId' for hotel '$hotelId' | rest / CRS |
5612 | Cannot retrieve cancellation conditions | Cannot retrieve cancellation conditions for reservation $reservationId | rest / CRS |
5613 | Explicit credit card data received (we now only accept tokens or transactionID) | Explicit credit card data received | rest / CRS |
5614 | Cannot modify reservation because of its status not being Book or Modify | Cannot modify reservation in "{status}" status | rest / CRS |
5615 | Cannot modify past reservations | Cannot modify past reservations | rest / CRS |
5616 | Cannot modify room stay because of its status not being Book or Modify | Cannot modify room stay in "{status}" status | rest / CRS |
5617 | Cannot find extpected room stay in the corresponding reservation | Cannot find room stay {roomStayIndex} | rest / CRS |
5618 | Missing required service in reservation request | Service {instance} is required for RoomStay {reference} | rest / CRS |
5901 | Payment transaction error (on provider side) | Payment transaction error | OTA / CRS |
5902 | Unsupported payment provider (bad ProviderID in the request) | Unsupported payment provider | OTA / CRS |
5903 | Missing payment transaction ID from payment provider response | Internal error: Missing payment transaction ID | OTA / CRS |
5904 | Request error: received multiple GuaranteeAccepted elements | Bad request: Not exactly one GuaranteeAccepted element | OTA / CRS |
5905 | Cannot get tokens from transaction ID | Internal error: cannot retrieve transaction | OTA / CRS |
5906 | Missing parameter for 3DS parameters registration | Missing parameters | CRS |
5907 | Cannot find existing transaction for 3DS parameters registration | Cannot find transaction | CRS |
5908 | Cannot charge credit card | Cannot charge credit card | CRS |
5909 | Cannot find credit card (should have been registered during the initial "Book" request) | Cannot find credit card | CRS |
5910 | Unsupported transaction intent | Unsupported transaction intent | CRS |
5911 | Unsupported transaction status | Unsupported transaction status | CRS |
5912 | Cannot update reservation after successful payment | Cannot update reservation | CRS |
5913 | Missing Acquirer BIN configuration for a specific payment method | Missing Acquirer BIN configuration for $paymentMethod | CRS |
5914 | Cannot get 3D data from payment provider | Cannot get 3D data from provider | CRS |
5915 | Authentication has already been processed | Transaction already processed | CRS |
CDN (Images) | |||
6001 | Static hotel data: descriptions, amenities, pictures | Not supported | |
6002 | Static hotel data: descriptions, amenities, pictures | Not authorized | |
6003 | Unexpected duplicate present in the database | Unexpected error | |
6004 | No file provided to the image upload endpoint | No file provided | |
6005 | Upload failed to the CDN (or config is missing) | CDN upload failure + message from the CDN provider | |
6006 | CDN configuration problem in the database | CDN configuration problem | |
6007 | Unknown upload failure (in angular code) | CDN upload error | |
6008 | Invalid imageItemId supplied to CoreProcess | Invalid imageItemId | |
6009 | Bad ImageID: cannot find the object | Cannot find image | |
6010 | The object class is not supported in the script yet | Not supported | |
6011 | User tries to modify an object not belonging to his hotel | Not authorized | |
6012 | User tries to manage an image not belonging to his hotel | Not authorized | |
6013 | The original image could not be downloaded during the image resizing process | Cannot download file from CDN | |
6014 | The supplied image is too small to be accepted | Image dimensions too small | |
, multiple selections available,
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