

In order for third party software providers to make the integration with Hotel-Spider as easy as possible two distincts transmission protocols have been implemented. All the communications from the third party software client to the Hotel-Spider server should be sent using HTTPS over a TCP/IP connection


Every programming language has its proper solution for transmitting XML as payload, please check the documentation for the appropriate usage. Disregarding which programming platform has been opted for, the following HTTP headers MUST be used to send XML to the Hotel-Spider servers.

Mandatory Headers
User-Agent: MyApplicationName
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 


Make sure to communicate the precise User-Agent your application will transmit when connecting to our server. Should this value NOT match with the value that is registered in our system, our Web-Application Firewall will BLOCK your request from reaching our servers.


Most programming languages have a solution for building a SOAP client, please check the documentation for the appropriate usage. It is essential that a recognised SOAP client is used and NOT a homemade solution. Namespacing might evolve and this should not break your implementation.Disregarding which programming platform has been opted for, the following HTTP headers MUST be used to send XML to the Hotel-Spider servers.

Mandatory Headers
User-Agent: MyApplicationName


Make sure to communicate the precise User-Agent your application will transmit when connecting to our server. Should this value NOT match with the value that is registered in our system, our Web-Application Firewall will BLOCK your request from reaching our servers.

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