Expense Report

An expense report is the report used to claim a reimbursement on expenses made with one’s personal cash/ card.

Adding a reimbursable expense:

From the expenses list, select the expense you wish to claim as reimbursable, and make sure the checkbox “claim reimbursement” is selected:

You may also directly add the expense to an existing report or directly create a new report (more details on creating an expense report below)

To create an Expense Report, click on “+” next to the reports tab, or directly from an existing expense:


Select “Expense Report” as the report type

Once the report has been created, you may add the expenses to be reimbursed (making sure the “claim reimbursement” checkbox has been checked.

Once done, select the report, and make sure the “Amount to be Reimbursed” is correct:

If everything is correct, click on “submit”

The Report will then be approved by the default approver, and usually reimbursed along with the next salary