The OTA_HotelRatePlanNotif messages are used to update the following elements in the Hotel-Spider system:

Every time the hotel's inventory or any of its stay restrictions (Booking rules) has been changed inside the third party software, the changes (and only the changes) should be transfered to Hotel-Spider. As this is a "notif" message, it implies that the third party software client pushes the information to the Hotel-Spider servers.


Example request and response

<OTA_HotelRatePlanNotifRQ xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" OTA_HotelRatePlanNotifRQ.xsd" Version="1.000" Target="Test" TimeStamp="2011-07-29T14:06:25">
      <RequestorID ID="USERNAME" MessagePassword="PASSWORD"></RequestorID>
  <RatePlans HotelCode="00P5519244d6b5c6" HotelName="HOTELNAME">
    <RatePlan RatePlanCode="00P551924536469f">
        <Rate RateTier="1234" Start="2015-08-24" End="2015-08-24"  Status="Open" >
            <BaseByGuestAmt AgeQualifyingCode="10" NumberOfGuests="1" AmountAfterTax="85.00" DecimalPlaces="0" CurrencyCode="EUR" />
            <BaseByGuestAmt AgeQualifyingCode="10" NumberOfGuests="2" AmountAfterTax="100.00" DecimalPlaces="0" CurrencyCode="EUR" />
            <BaseByGuestAmt AgeQualifyingCode="10" NumberOfGuests="3" AmountAfterTax="115.00" DecimalPlaces="0" CurrencyCode="EUR" />
        <SellableProduct InvCode="00P5519245316dc1" InvType="ROOM" />

<OTA_HotelAvailNotifRS xmlns="" schemaLocation=" OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ.xsd" TimeStamp="2015-11-17T14:45:54+01:00" Target="Test" Version="1.0" CorrelationID="00Q564b2f91e1bf6">
  <Success />

The attribute InvCode might need to be replaced by the attribute InvTypeCode depending on the way we declared your interface on our side during development.

This is a setting that is set only once and then inpact all your requests.

In that case the result would be 


  <SellableProduct InvTypeCode="00P5519245316dc1" InvType="ROOM" />


Request structure


Parent: None (Root element)

Mandatory: yes


TimeStampYesThe format should respect the ISO 8601 2015-11-16T22:23:48+00:00

When sending updates to the staging environment "Test" must be used.

When sending updates to the production environment "Production" must be used.

VersionYesThe default value should be "1.000"

Child elements: POS (when using POS authentication. See Authentication methods for more information), RatePlans


Parent: OTA_HotelRatePlanNotifRQ

Mandatory: yes



The Hotel-Spider hotel ID which you are updating

By default our system will search for the HotelCode attribute. Should this not be available, our system will try to identify the hotel based on the room ID as this is uniquely linked to one hotel.

HotelNameNoThis attribute can be used for readability.

Child elements: RatePlan


Parent: RatePlans

Mandatory: yes


RatePlanCodeNoThe Hotel-Spider rate plan ID which you are updating

Children: Rates


Parent: AvailStatusMessage

Mandatory: yes

Attributes: None

Children: Rate


Parent: Rates

Mandatory: No


RateTierNoParameter that was required on the third generation of the Hotel-Spider but is not needed anymore with the current version.
StartYesThe format should respect the ISO 8601 2015-11-16
EndYesThe format should respect the ISO 8601 2015-11-17

Child elements: BaseByGuestAmts


Parent: Rate

Mandatory: yes

Attributes: None

Children: BaseByGuestAmt


Parent: BaseByGuestAmts

Mandatory: No


AgeQualifyingCodeYesThe default value should be "10"
NumberOfGuestsNoThe number of guests for which the price transmitted is applicable.
AmountAfterTax/AmountBeforeTaxYesThe price for the number of guests as provided by the NumberOfGuests attribute
DecimalPlacesNoThe number of decimal places for a particular currency.
CurrencyCodeNoThe CurrencyCode which has been configured in the Hotel-Spider system

Child elements: None

When the NumberOfGuests attribute is not provided the Hotel-Spider will apply the provided AmountAfterTax/AmountBeforeTax to the default occupancy configured in the Hotel-Spider system.

If the decimal places separator "." is provided in the AmountAfterTax/AmountBeforeTax attribute, the value of the DecimalPlaces attribute should reflect the number of digits behind the ".".

Should no decimal places separator be provided in the AmountAfterTax/AmountBeforeTax attribute, the "." will be shifted to the left by the value of the DecimalPlaces attribute. For exemple: AmountAfterTax="8500" DecimalPlaces="2" will result in 85.00


Parent: RatePlan

Mandatory: yes

Attributes: None

Children: SellableProduct


Parent: SellableProducts

Mandatory: No


InvCodeYesThe Hotel-Spider room ID which you are updating
InvTypeNoThe default value is "ROOM"

Child elements: None

It is the combination of the room ID provided in the SellableProduct element and the rate plan ID provided in the RatePlan element that determines for which product the price update is.

Response structure


Parent: None (Root element)

Mandatory: yes


TimeStampYesThe format will respect the ISO 8601 2015-11-16T22:23:48+00:00
TargetYesThe same value, used in the request, will be returned.
VersionYesThe value wil be "1.000"

Child elements: Success, Warnings and Errors