How to use

In order to use the version 1.1 of the OTA interface, change the value of the Version attribute in the OTA_HotelAvailRQ root element (see example below)

For the REST API, specify the version 1.1 in the URL (see example below)

Changes on the OTA interface

The request can now contain more than one "GuestCount" element. For each "GuestCount" element, either the "Age" or "AgeQualifyingCode" attribute has to be defined.

The accepted "AgeQualifyingCode" values are:


The "Age" attribute is an integer specifying the guest(s) age.

Both attributes cannot be used at the same time.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OTA_HotelAvailRQ  Version="1.1" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" EchoToken="ECHOTOKEN"
TimeStamp="2015-09-08T13:06:46.0743525+00:00" Target="Test" TransactionIdentifier="TRANSACTIONIDENTIFIER" PrimaryLangID="en" AltLangID="en" xmlns="">
      <RequestorID ID="YOURUSERNAME" MessagePassword="YOURPASSWORD" Type="13"/>
      <HotelSearchCriteria BestOnlyIndicator="false">
          <HotelRef HotelCode="YOURHOTELCODE" HotelCodeContext="HotelSpider" />
          <StayDateRange Start="ARRIVALDATE" End="DEPARTUREDATE" />
                <GuestCount Count="GUESTCOUNT" AgeQualifyingCode="10" /> <!-- number of adults -->
                <GuestCount Count="GUESTCOUNT" AgeQualifyingCode="8" />  <!-- number of children -->
                <GuestCount Count="GUESTCOUNT" AgeQualifyingCode="7" />  <!-- number of infants -->

Another example, specifying the age of the children:

    <GuestCount Count="2" AgeQualifyingCode="10" /> <!-- 2 adults -->
    <GuestCount Count="1" Age="8" />
    <GuestCount Count="1" Age="4" />
    <GuestCount Count="1" Age="0" /> <!-- a baby whose age is less than a year -->

Changes on the REST interface

The version has to be specified in the URL like this:

For the three requests "availabilities", "bestavailabilities" and "bestrates":
