This page explains the different steps to configure a new Zuora tenant.
Hotel-Spider has 4 tenants:
3 Production tenants:
Tourisoft Sàrl (CH) - 5896
Tourisoft Hotel-Spider Germany GmbH (DE) - 3000206
Hotel-Spider India (IN) - 3000227
3 SANDBOX tenants:
Tourisoft Sàrl (CH) SANDBOX - 13635
Tourisoft GmbH (DE) SANDBOX - 2000392
Hotel-Spider India (IN) - Not configured yet
General information
Zuora has 2 datacenters :
Tenant | base endpoint | Extranet |
US Production | | |
US API Sandbox | | |
EU Production | | |
EU Sandbox | | |
Billing period
Billing Rules
Enable credit back for removing or canceling one time charges? | Yes |
Bill recurring charges for partial month (with monthly based billing periods)? | No |
Bill recurring charges for partial week (with weekly based billing periods)? | No |
Bill usage charges for partial month (with monthly based billing periods)? | No |
Bill usage charges for partial week (with weekly based billing periods)? | No |
When prorating a month, assume 30 days in a month or use actual days? | Use actual number of days |
When prorating periods greater than a month, prorate by month first, or by day? | Prorate by month first |
Support bill run auto-post? | Yes |
Default bill run to auto-post? | No |
Include invoices with negative totals in the Account Balance (included associated Debit Memos)? | Yes |
Include usage from child accounts when billing? | No |
How should errors be handled when generating multiple invoices for a single account via bill run? | Terminate processing of all invoices |
Preserve snapshot of bill-to and sold-to contacts when billing documents are posted? | No |
Invoice Past End-of-Term when Auto-Renew is OFF? | Yes: deprecated |
Invoice Past End-of-Term when Auto-Renew is ON? | Yes: deprecated |
Calculate taxes using information from Customer Account of: | Invoice owner |
Zuora Tax rounding rule for inclusive tax calculation | Round net amount |
When service period of an invoice item crosses multiple tax rate period, it will generate: | Multiple Tax Items |
Enable Charge Types / Models
Enable Charge Types
Enable Charge Models
Manage Billing Document Configuration
Manage Invoice Rules and Templates
Go to Settings > Billing > Manage Invoice Rules and Templates
The templates are setup in the following way:
- Per tenant (different template for Sàrl vs. GmbH)
- template for Hotels
- template for Whitelabels
- Per language:
- Sàrl:
- EN (default)
- DE
- ES
- FR
- NL
- GmbH:
- DE
- Sàrl:
To modify a template, click on the template name to download the existing word file (make sure to save a copy of the original and save the modified version under the latest version number, i.e. _v6). A folder with all templates exists under C:\Tourisoft\Accounting and Finance - General\Zuora. Make sure to save latest modifications there as backup.
Add the corresponding templates by clicking on "edit", select the template and save it. Use the preview function with existing customer data (to reflect reality) to make sure the latest modifications do not return errors.
The templates IDs will then need to be extracted from this page. Click on show ID:
Refer to the database section to store the template IDs in the v4.
Invoice prefix & Numbering
Go to Settings > Billing > Prefix & Numbering
Tourisoft Sàrl: INV
Tourisoft GmbH: RE
Configure Accounting Rules
Accounting Rules
Allow blank Accounting Codes | ||
Allow Subscription and Amendments to be created in a closed Accounting Period | ||
Allow Usage to be created in a closed Accounting Period | ||
Allow Revenue Schedules to have negative amounts in the Open-Ended Accounting Period |
Object | Field | Segment Name | System ID | Actions |
Account | Market__c | Account Market | AccountMarket__s | [Edit] [Remove] |
Additional Configurations
Discount segment value | ||
Invoice owner segment value | ||
Revenue owner segment value |
Configure GL Segmentation Rules
by default AccountMarketSegment
to be furhter developped